Easy Way to Create Bonding with Your Baby

Wanting to create more bonding time with your baby?

Wanting to raise your children to possess trust and a sense of security? 

Wanting to learn more about your baby’s cue? 

Long story short, using a baby sling might solve all the inquiries listed above.


Childhood Shapes Adulthood 

According to attachment theory, children are classified into secure, anxious, and avoidant attachment. Children’s attachment style is based on their interaction with parents. If parents show they’re responsive to the baby’s need, the baby is more likely to develop a secure attachment style.



Secure Attachment Style Benefits 

  • They have better relationships with peers, siblings, and others.
  • They are able to seek help when needed.
  • They trust others.
  • They have a more positive mindset.


Baby Sling VS Attachment Theory 

When using a baby sling, you and your baby are having skin-to-skin contact. Your baby feels safe during the intimate moments as he/she is listening to your heartbeat. You are also able to notice and fulfill the baby’s physical and emotional needs as soon as possible.

Baby feels much more secure when his/her needs are responded to. As time passes by, you will notice you’re able to “speak” your baby’s cues faster and more accurately and your baby developed “trust” in you and the broader world. In the future, your child will more likely to grow into an emotionally stable person, and form positive relationships with others.


Photo by Ana Tablas on Unsplash


Baby Sleep Cycle and Babywearing

Babywearing has been a part of various cultures for several generations. There was a slump in mainstream babywearing after the invention of alternative baby carriers. However, there has been an increase in popularity of babywearing in recent years. With more and more parents opting for babywearing as a primary or secondary baby carrier option, the benefits and practicality of babywearing is constantly being studied and discussed. Babywearing and baby sleep cycle is a topic of great interest among babywearing parents.

There are two types of sleep babies and people in general engage in. Nap time and the regular night time shut eye, both of which are a vital part in a baby’s growth. Infants tend to sleep more and as baby becomes a toddler, the hours spent napping start to reduce until night time shut eye becomes the sole source of rest and rejuvenation. Keeping this in mind, let’s assess how babywearing contributes towards nap time and night time sleep for baby.

Nap Time: After spending 9 months in a mother’s womb, listening to her heartbeat and enjoying the warmth, a baby starts their journey in the real world. Babies spend more time sleeping than the average person and as they grow older, the hours spent sleeping begin to restrict to night time sleeping. When baby naps if they can find the comfort of the womb, by being close to the mother’s heartbeat and warmth, then they will enjoy napping. Babywearing provides the required warmth and closeness for baby.

Night Sleep: Again, after enjoying mother’s womb and warmth for months, baby is accustomed to only that sense of familiarity when they enter the world. Being able to slowly transition from spending moments with mommy or a caregiver to sleeping at night will help baby take the smaller steps to the world. In addition, moving along with mom, dad or a caregiver throughout the day will provide movement to baby and tire them out to fall asleep better at night. As a result, babywearing helps baby transition to the real world and sleep well at night during the process.

Babywearing has been an exciting and controversial topic for parents. With some arguing that babywearing makes babies dependent and some arguing that babywearing is not practical with the modern day working lifestyle of parents. Again, just like any other parenting decision babywearing needs to be a decision based on choice and flexibility of parents. If you can spend the entire day with baby, then great. If you can’t spend the entire day with baby, then time during the evenings can provide the much needed bond between parent and baby.

Fit babywearing into your schedule as per your convenience and enjoy intimate moments with baby. Studies and experience share that babywearing helps with baby’s sleep cycle and improved sleep. There is always the added memories and moments with baby that you spend through babywearing. Ring slings are a great option for convenient babywearing. Choose the right ring sling for you and give it a shot because chances are you and baby will enjoy babywearing and the benefits that come along with it.

Babywearing , Baby Dependence a myth or reality?

Is your baby too dependent? Will babywearing make baby clingy? Is it ok to restrain baby? These questions aren’t uncommon when it comes to babywearing. While studies have shown that babywearing stimulates physical and emotional wellbeing of babies, the decision making process (before babywearing) seems to be on the line of fire. The glaring and underlying question being: is babywearing and baby dependence a myth or reality?

Let’s start by establishing the fact that babywearing is a parenting choice. But, it is also true that a parent is often looking out for their little angle and working towards their best interest. If you are a parent you are well aware of the joys of spending time with baby and the feeling is mutual. Parents often state that the bond with their little munchkin is of the purest form. When parents bond with their little angel, their little one is always seen to enjoy the comfort and security of their parents’ presence.

Babywearing provides baby with the comfort and security of their parents. Also, the idea of dependence is a bit layered. Each baby is dependent to their parent to a certain extent because that is how nature works. So, alluding that babywearing makes a baby dependent would be the same as alluding all babies that are not worn are independent. Each parent is different and each scenario is different. But, a baby’s and parent’s response to love remains the same.

Instant will sense comfort and security to your baby when you embrace them. Being close to your little one makes parents happy as well. Rather than dependence, babywearing provides prolonged periods of comfort for parents and babies. To further strengthen this point let’s consider a situation. Whether you are a parent or not, you have seen a baby crying hysterically at a public place. Often times baby relaxes after their parent or caregiver embraces them. Ever wondered why this is the case? Because babies are dependent on their parents or caregivers for warmth and support.

Now, let’s get back to our main question regarding babywearing and baby dependence being a myth or reality. The fact is babywearing does not make babies dependent. Babies are already dependent on their parents for warmth, care and support. Babywearing merely provides parents and babies with the opportunity to bond and connect. With our fast paced lives it may not be practical to engage in babywearing at all times. But you can try babywearing when the opportunity arises to bond with baby, because love does not spoil. Furthermore, a baby being dependent on their parent is a natural predisposition, not a byproduct of an action like babywearing.

Babywearing is most definitely a choice a parent makes, but don’t shy away from it for the wrong reasons. Long story short, the idea that babywearing makes baby dependent is a myth!

7 things you won’t have to worry about with using Ring Sling

Babywearing is a decision you make. There are lots of benefits for baby and the bond between parent and baby is definitely another added bonus. But often there is a lot of thought put into the decision of babywearing. Will my baby be too attached? Is this a healthy way of upbringing my child? Can I go on with my life with my baby wrapped around me? These are some of the many questions that race in a parent’s mind before taking the plunge. So we’ve compiled a list of 7 things you won’t have to worry about with your ring sling.

  1. Baby: When baby is an infant they need all the love, support and warmth they can get. As much as parents would like to spend each waking moment with their bundle of joy, it is not practical. With a ring sling you can go on with your chores with baby.
  2. Time management: With all our commitments having a baby can appear to be overwhelming. Plus you want to spend the moments at home with your little angel. A ring sling let’s you get on with your household responsibilities and baby will be your partner in crime.
  3. Workout: Getting back to shape post pregnancy is among the biggest challenges women face. Hitting the gym shortly after giving birth is not advisable or practical. Using a ring sling will let you carry around your baby weight, a weight which will help you get back in shape and bonding opportunities.
  4. Connection: Though nature has pre disposed a connection between a mother and a child, this is still something that needs nurturing. Furthermore, there are an equal amount of fathers that want to get involved in baby’s life. A father and mother can strengthen their connection with baby through a ring sling.
  5. Cumbersome carriers: Once you have baby you are prepared to take them while you run errands as well. There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with cumbersome baby carriers that might be difficult to navigate around the store or parking lot. With a ring sling your baby is securely strapped around you and you have full control.
  6. Exposure: Your little munchkin is at a stage in their life when they observe and learn. Particularly infants tend to lie down in an area and are limited to observe their surrounding. When you use a ring sling you make baby aware of different surroundings.
  7. Baby Digestion: Your little angel is confined to eating and sleeping and just like you they can benefit from a little bit of movement. A ring sling lets baby move along with their babywearing parent. This helps with their digestion.

Babywearing is a choice you make but there is no denying that there are a lot of benefits attached with babywearing. A ring sling is definitely worth your investment. So get a ring sling and stop worrying about the 7 things listed above!

4 Reasons that a Ring Sling should be a part of your New Year’s Resolution

With each new year comes,it will be a new beginning and an opportunity to start afresh. In doing so we set goals and targets to achieve throughout the year. There are various resolutions people make, but one thing that stands true for all is that we take a moment to reflect on ourselves. Being a parent (especially parents of infants and toddlers) there is a teeny tiny side of you that is selfless and you can’t imagine a new year’s resolution that doesn’t involve you bundle of joy. In light of this thought, babywearing is a perfect new year’s resolution for parents if they haven’t started it already. We’ve complied reasons why a ring sling should be a part of your new year’s resolution this year.

  • Cuteness overload: Is there ever such a thing as cuteness overload when it comes to your little one? Probably not, but through a ring sling you can spend more time observing all the milestone in your little angel’s life this year.
  • Sleep more: There is nothing more taxing then a screaming infant or toddler when you’re trying to get some shut eye at night. If you use a ring sling when you’re with baby through out the day it will make them more connected with you are your cycle (yes, sleeping and even potty!).
  • Emotional quotient: Your little munchkin relies on you for everything and there is no doubt that you want to spend time with baby. A ring sling will let you spend intimate moments with baby and this closeness will contribute towards the emotional quotient of your little angel.
  • Natural instincts: With all the craze surrounding natural diet and natural lifestyle, babywearing fits the bill. Before the invention of cumbersome baby carriers and after the invention of clothing, babywearing was the norm. So, a ring sling will keep you in close tandem with our natural instincts.

The benefits of babywearing are proven and if you aren’t already engaging in this then it’s time to begin informed ring sling practices. Getting a ring sling is the first step towards starting your new year’s resolution. So, hurry and get a ring sling now and spend intimate moments with the most precious part of your life, your baby. Believe me just glancing at them up close and personal will melt your heart and you will not regret investing in your ring sling.

Are you convinced a ring sling should be a part of your new year’s resolution?

Year In Review: Pictures of Popular Ring Sling

As we are approaching 2016, this is a good time to look back and reminisce this year. There were lots of adorable Mamaway ring sling pictures shared on social media and blogs. While it is not practical to list all of the pictures (I know bummer right!), each picture was indeed adorable and Mamaway is thankful for all the wonderful words shared by our reviewers. As part of the year in review: popular ring sling pictures, we’ve compiled a list of 5 most popular ring sling pictures. Be prepared to indulge in some major cuteness!

1. Looks like it’s nap time for baby.

2.  That is one infectious smile.

3. What an adorable little angel.

4. Yes, the ring sling leaves you with free hands!

5. And let’s you take care of each one of your little munchkins.


Some people found a more creative way to use the ring sling.

These are among the many precious photos shared. Again, Mamaway is grateful for all the kind words and we are glad to be a part of your journey with baby. If you don’t have a ring sling yet, then it time to get one. Have a little angel? Join the bandwagon and start using the Mamaway ring sling and enjoy intimate moments with baby!

Babywearing in Holidays

Being a parent is surely not a easy task. Particularly once baby starts crawling, walking and running baby can be a lot of work. But, the cuteness quotient of your little one sky rockets each day with the adorable statement or gestures baby makes. With the holiday season here you are all set to relax but with celebrations and travel plans it can all get very chaotic very soon. To top it off the holiday season promotional offers and sales don’t help much. There will be a whole lot of shopping (or window shopping and impromptu purchases) to do, and a whole lot of places to visit. Here is a take on how you can manage the holidays with babywearing.

We have explained the benefits and reasons to get a ring sling and ways to use your ring sling. The purpose now is to help you use your ring sling this holiday season. If you’re still not convinced, make a ring sling your investment this holiday season.

One thing that is certain during all of these moments is that your little angel will be with you through it all. Though it is certainly a delight spending time with your little munchkin, carrying baby around or using cumbersome baby carriers can become very tiring and impractical. This is where babywearing comes in handy. Below we’ve laid out a few instances where babywearing comes to your rescue, which is during pretty much through all the chaos during the holidays.

  • Traveling: The best part about the holidays is visiting your loved ones. This means you will be traveling with your baby. You wouldn’t want to be tired when everyone around you is in the holiday spirit. Use your ring sling and avoid tired arms through cumbersome baby carrier and enjoy your holidays.
  • Shopping: With your baby safely snuggled with you, shopping will become and enjoyable activity. Babywearing your baby will help you handle all those shopping bags easily. Make sure to alternate between shoulders if you are wearing a ring sling for a long period of time.
  • Style: Carrying your toddler in your arms or holding them on cumbersome baby carriers will take away from your holidays outfits for sure. The good news is ring slings come in different patterns and colors to match your outfits!

Use your ring sling to ensure comfort for both you and your baby. Along with comfort babywearing is also a practical choice because its stylish and easy to use. It’s a great gift option as well. Do you know any new parents? A ring sling could be a perfect gift for them! Enjoy the warmth of baby during the holiday season through babywearing. Try it and you’ll understand the joys and practicality of babywearing during the holidays and beyond.

Don’t have a ring sling yet? Hurry up and get one!

Why Babywearing is the good Solution for this Parenting Pet Peeve

Picking up after a mischievous toddler can be tiring.

A baby brings tremendous joy and bit of mischief into the house. A mischievous toddler in particular can result in lots of parenting pet peeves. Once your baby is an adult those mischief stories are fun to look back and rekindle. But, when baby is going around the house with stuff found in the trash or playing with dirt at the park instead of enjoying the slides, it can be frustrating. Okay, I admit it can be a little endearing at times as well. Regardless, let’s find out why babywearing is the solution for this parenting pet peeve.

Before we get into details let’s clarify that the reason why we’re focusing on toddlers, it is because infants are not able to move around as easily. A toddler is curious and examines everything around them. This is their learning curve so you should allow your toddler to explore all the objects and areas around them to foster a healthy environment. So, how do you stop your little angel from growing as a person? You don’t.

Long story short, babywearing is the good solution, as this will allow your toddler to learn from the area around them without the mischief. It is no secret that babywearing helps with the emotional well-being of your little munchkin. The purpose is not to take toddlerhood away from your little angel, but rather to keep them in a secure and nurturing environment while you can. When you are babywearing, your toddler has access to the following:

  • Environment around mom and dad: As you engage in babywearing, your little angel gets to watch you as you perform chores and has access to areas they wouldn’t normally be at otherwise. This allows baby to observe different things and expands their horizons.
  • Security and warmth: Though toddlers have the ability to communicate their thoughts, they are still growing as individuals. Babywearing provides toddlers with the security and warmth of their parent and helps with their emotional well-being.
  • Bonding between parent and baby: Above all, babywearing allows parents to bond with baby. There is no such thing as too much time with baby and babywearing lets the busiest can go on with their tasks while also bonding with baby.

Let your little munchkin learn by observing your surrounding, in the process get to bond with your toddler and get to know more mushy things about them. Not a bad tradeoff ring? With the holidays right around the corner indulge in a ring sling to start babywearing now.

There are lots of options in the market but here are some tips to get a ring sling designed for you.

Safe ways to wear Ring Sling

Babywearing is a choice but correctly babywearing is a decision you must take to follow through with your choice. Using your ring sling for the first time can be very tricky especially because you won’t be able to tell if the baby is uncomfortable. Make sure you consider safe ways to wear a ring sling before start a beautiful bonding journey with baby.

We’ve compiled tips and tricks to make sure you and your baby have a safe and comfortable ring sling experience.

  • Easy breathing: Your baby must breathe easily. To make sure that your baby’s airway is undisturbed the following points should be considered.
    • Face should be visible: Your baby’s face should always be visible to you. This ensures that your baby receives fresh air and his/her breathing isn’t obstructed by the fabric.
    • Chin off chest: You should make sure your newborn’s chin isn’t pressed towards baby’s chest. A baby’s windpipe is the size of a drinking straw and pressing the chin against the chest can easily obstruct breathing.
  • Body- positioning: The position of your baby is very important for a safe babywearing experience.
    • Close enough to kiss: The baby should be close enough to kiss and visible to you.
    • Knees higher than the bottom: Make sure your baby’s knees are kept higher than their bottom and legs form a M position.
  • Body-positioning of newborns:
    • Fabric: The fabric should come until the nape of the baby’s neck and should support the back.
    • Limbs: The baby’s arms should be inside the sling. The legs can be kept inside if the base is wide enough.
    • Head: The baby’s head should be supported by the fabric to make sure it doesn’t move away.

  • Body-positioning of infants and toddlers:
    • Fabric: The fabric should come up, at least, to the baby’s shoulder blades.
    • Limbs: The baby’s arm can be inside or outside but the legs should be out and in an M position (knees higher than the bottom)
    • Head: The head should be given support but should be free enough to move.
  • Comfort: Ring sling tips to ensure comfort for you and baby.
    • The fabric of your ring sling should be tight so as the baby is pressed against you. Make sure that the baby isn’t leaning away from you or slumping.
    • The fabric should be tight and should provide your baby with adequate back support.
    • The fabric should be spread out on your back to make sure it does not get twisted and bunched up.
    • Start wearing you ring sling with the rings high on your shoulders so that they come to the right position after you tighten it.
    • Alternate between your shoulders if you plan on using the sling for a long period of time.

Your sling should hold your baby like you would hold it in your arms: high and pressed against you. Follow these tips to make the most out of your ring sling. Here are few ways to use to ring sling, this will act as a tutorial and provide different babywearing options with your ring sling.