Waist Training vs. Postnatal Belly Band

If you have tuned into the entertainment section on any website or magazine, in the past year, you’ve most likely noticed the term waist training. This has emerged as an ‘it’ trend among celebrities and it is drawing a lot of attention. Countless articles and studies prove that getting in shape is among the most popular new year’s resolution, so the idea of physical fitness appealing people is not a new idea. But, waist training seems to be the new manifestation of this desire to be fit and in shape. This brings us to our point of connection between waist training and postnatal belly band.

First let’s start with the reasons why waist training has become popular:

  1. Celebrity endorsement: With many popular faces in the entertainment industry posting pictures using a waist trainer, it has caught the attention of many people. Whether you like it or not, you can’t ignore it!
  2. Accentuates body: The human mind has been conditioned to appreciate a trim waist and find it attractive. A waist trainer is designed to make the waist trimmer and satisfy this perception of being attractive.
  3. Work out: Again concepts that deal with getting back in shape appeal to people. In the case of a waist trainer, it is believed to tighten your core muscles, make you sweat more and consequently burn more calories.

Despite all the reasons above promoting waist training there have been strong opinions highlighting the possible strain on organs with the use of waist trainers. Some reports even suggest that a waist trainer could alarmingly compress your internal organs. To solve this problem you’d have to be extra alert while choosing a waist trainer for yourself. But, what if a postnatal belly band could have the same results, minus the possible health hazard? Well it’s your lucky day!

Post pregnancy a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes externally and internally. A postnatal belly band is designed to provide support through these changes. But, you need not restrict the use of your postnatal belly band to your postpartum period. Yes, the postnatal belly band is great to ease pain during uterus muscle contractions and to support belly fat during the postpartum period, but its uses does not end there. If you choose the right postnatal belly band it will be helpful beyond your postpartum period and even share it with your husband.

Along with providing physical support during the post pregnancy period, a postnatal belly band is also designed to accentuate your body and tighten your core muscles. Furthermore, a comfortable postnatal belly band is known to help you get back in shape without excessively tightening your waist. This is why a postnatal belly band is a great option to strengthen your waist muscles whether you’re a new mom, dad or not. Who doesn’t want to look good? And, who doesn’t want to look good in a comfortable way?

Grab a tried and tested postnatal belly band now and begin getting your waist back in shape!

Postnatal Belly & Postnatal Belly Band

As humans we have always had celebrities and idolized them. Even in the ancient times people like Alexander the Great were celebrated people used his face on coins and pottery. The trend continues and today we idolize celebrities like never before because we have such easy access to information online. What are they wearing? where are they going? The interest is satiated with the media covering the pettiest of details of a celebrity’s life. And it’s no secret that this has an affect our body image. In the realm of motherhood and celebrity watching, Hollywood has women stepping out with perfectly sculpted bodies shortly after giving birth. Though we might realize that this is not the natural progression of things, it does affect our subconscious minds.

Let’s start with postnatal belly. After nine months of pregnancy, your abdominal area is stretched out, along with your uterus. This is no big revelation, but unless you go under the knife to correct your stretched out belly, the fact is your belly is stretched out. Additionally, while you carry your baby, you inevitably gain weight and this puts a strain on your back and belly. Having a baby is undoubtedly a wonderful experience but the fact is your body will change in the process. What is important is that you should understand the change and take steps towards a comfortable recovery for yourself.  

Now this doesn’t mean that you can’t get back in shape and have to live with saggy fat for the rest of your life. The thing is, if it takes nine months for your belly and uterus to grow for baby, you should at least give yourself a few months to get back in shape. The most important thing is to be healthy and there is no need to put any unnecessary burden on yourself to get back in shape the minute after you give birth. Enjoy moments with baby and give yourself a pat on the back for entering a new chapter in your life. This doesn’t mean you need to give up on your body, it just means that you should dictate your journey of getting back in shape yourself.

Frankly, being a mother can be overwhelming and you may not have all the time in the world to hit the gym. A postnatal belly band is the perfect solution for moms to enjoy their bundle of joy and take care of themselves during the process. Wrapping the midriff for support post pregnancy is an age old custom. Arguably the postnatal belly band is a modern day version of this idea. A postnatal belly band does not require another person’s help to slip on and helps with getting back in shape. In fact a good postnatal belly band will provide the required support to your belly, back and contracting uterus during the postnatal or recovery period.

So, long story short it may not be healthy to hold ourselves to celebrity imagery of a postnatal body but we can still take steps towards a achieving a healthy postnatal body. It’s important to taking care of yourself during the postnatal periodbecause your body has endured a lot. A postnatal belly band is just what you need to physically ease your way into a postpartum life!

Mamaway Year in Review: Videos of most popular Postnatal Belly Band

Your bundle of joy brings in immense joy and really changes the dynamics of your life. But a parent is also born with each baby . Although the physical changes for a mom is obvious, there is a lot for a dad to cope with as well. With products though they are generally designed to help mothers recoup from the physical strains of pregnancy. A postnatal belly band is the right amount of support a mother needs to cope with all the bodily changes and strains post pregnancy.  The Mamaway family has been overwhelmed with all the support from our postnatal belly band users. Though we value each review, we have created a list of some that were well received by people online. This is the second post from the two part series this post will address the Mamaway year in review: most popular postnatal belly band videos.

5. Let’s start with a detailed product review.

4. An insightful review!

3. Now you don’t have worry about figuring out how to wear your postnatal belly band.


2. Candid confessions and review.

  1. Don’t we all agree that this is a useful review/ guide.

If you’ve been procrastinating using your Mamaway postnatal belly band then this is you gold mine. Alternatively, if you’re interested in getting one, it’s useful for new mommies, seasoned mommies and daddies as well. Hope you have an enjoyable and support-filled holidays!

Difference between Postnatal Belly Band and Belly Wrap

Belly binding after pregnancy is a popular practice among woman in many parts of the world. Earlier, women used a long piece of cloth to bind their postnatal belly fat, to help with recovery and to get back in shape.

According to research, belly binding is effective in helping you get back in shape after gave birth. Today the long cloth used centuries ago has evolved into various products that claim to offer something different.

We have compared the postnatal belly band and the postnatal belly wrap to help you decide between the two.

Postnatal belly wrap:

A postnatal belly wrap is a pre-evolutionary version of a belly band. It simply uses a soft fabric to bind your belly fat.

What is unique about a postnatal belly wrap?

A postnatal belly wrap boasts one quality that a belly band doesn’t: limp fabric. As a result, it is cheaper than a belly band but the fabric does not offer required support.

What makes a postnatal belly band different from a belly wrap?

The following qualities of a postnatal belly band make it a superior form of the belly wrap.

  • Fabric: The fabric of a postnatal belly band is firmer than that of a belly wrap. This gives your body the required support during recovery and helps tighten your weak abdominal muscles faster.
  • Strapping: A postnatal belly band with additional straps reinforce support o required areas. This lets you to give extra support to the required parts and helps you to get back to shape faster.
  • Triple compression: Some postnatal belly bands use a triple compression technique that makes your uterus shrink faster while strengthening the pelvic muscles stronger.
  • Additional features: A few postnatal belly bands have additional features like infer-red that helps you to quicken recovery and get back to shape faster. The infra-red improves your blood circulation which improves other bodily functions
  • Structure: A durable postantal belly band has a firm structure that does not change after washing. Also, it has a rigid enough structure to support your back and flexible enough to let you move comfortably.

Although a postnatal belly band is pricy its features outweigh a belly wrap. After using a postnatal belly band your body will get support and won’t require a lot of effort to get back to shape. All you need is a good postnatal belly band.

Hurry up and get your postnatal belly band for a comfortable and speedy recovery. Not to mention a slimmer waistline!

3 Reasons why you need Postnatal Belly Band

If you are pregnant, you must be going through mixed feelings. It’s so exciting about welcoming a new bundle of joy but some anxiety about the postnatal period. Thanks to postnatal belly bands, the postpartum period has become a lot easier for mothers. We’ve come up 3 reasons with why you need a postnatal belly band.

  1. Recovery: The female body changes a lot after pregnancy. As a new mother you could use a little extra help to speed your recovery.
    • Spine curvature: During pregnancy, your spine curves as your belly grows. This results in back ache and discomfort. A postnatal belly band provides the required support to help recover your spine to its original state.
    • C-section: If you are a mother that underwent C-section, your pelvic region will require compression to help the connective tissue knit back faster.
  2. Comfort: The postpartum period can be painful and uncomfortable as the pregnancy period. Your body is trying to get back to its normal state which causes a lot of discomfort and pain.
    • Uterus contractions: The walls of the uterus expand as your baby grows. After you give birth, your uterus needs to shrink back to its former state. Until your uterus gets back to its normal size, you might experience uterus contraction pain. A postnatal belly band will help ease these contraction cramps as it wraps around your body tightly.
    • Support: As a mother, you will naturally want to hold your little one. Constantly picking up your baby puts a lot of strain to your lower back. A postnatal belly band will support your back and help reduce backache.
  3. Shaping-up: The changes in your body will make you feel uncomfortable both physically and emotionally. Getting back to shape no longer requires a lot of effort and time. A good belly band will do the trick!
    • Compression: Postnatal belly bands compresses your jelly belly to help you get back in shape. The compression also promotes healthy blood circulation in your body, which helps shed extra fat to reduce your waistline. Using a postnatal belly band regularly will help you regain your original waistline faster!
    • Waist trimmer: The best part of using a belly band is it will make you look slimmer instantly. It tightens your body and compresses the stretchy skin and flabs of your abdomen as soon as you wear it!

Hurry up and get your postnatal belly band, for a comfortable and enjoyable postpartum period. Are you a new mother or do your know a new mother? With the holiday season right around the corner, this is a useful and thoughtful gift. Click here and get it shipped now!

Importance for you to invest in a Postnatal Belly Band

Motherhood is a new journey,new experiences for a life with a bundle of joy. Sometimes joy. Sometimes challenges. Sometimes a whole lot of unknowns. The beauty being a mom is that each day is a learning curve. While you spend a whole lot of time attending to your little angel, often times new moms forget about the physical changes the body endures. There is no doubt that a new mom’s life revolves around your bundle of joy, but that doesn’t mean you need to forget about yourself. A postnatal belly band might be all that you need to cope with the bodily changes. So, why should you invest in a postnatal belly band?

New moms talk about the journey with their little angel. If you’re a new mom you’re probably documenting everything in your baby’s life. But, what about the changes your body is going through. For months your uterus expands to make room for your baby. Your back is strained from supporting the belly weight. To top it off there is all your body endured while giving birth.

A baby brings a lot of joy in your life. But the change your body goes through during pregnancy is not the only change you see. The postnatal period comes with a host of changes in your body. It will take a little time before you body gets back to its pre pregnancy state and before you get into your pre pregnancy clothes. During your postnatal period your body is going through the following changes:

  • Your uterus is contracting: After expanding during pregnancy your uterus needs to shrink back to its original shape post pregnancy. So, cramps are common and can be painful.
  • You back is recovering: After supporting your belly weight during pregnancy and going through the labor period, your back is recovering post pregnancy. So, backaches are common among new moms.

Additionally, you might have swollen feet and sore joints. The postnatal period is a period of immense joy with your little angle and a period of recovery. As a new mother you will require a lot of rest and time to fully recover and regain your pre-pregnancy body but with baby and household chores, getting enough rest is might feel like a bit much to ask for. That’s where a postnatal belly band comes in handy. A postnatal belly band can be used while you engage in household chores and it will help you to get your pre-pregnancy body back. In fact it will even prepare you to fit in your pre pregnancy clothes.

Now that we’ve established its worth investing in a postnatal belly band. Here are things you should consider while investing in a postnatal belly band:

  • Fabric
  • Strapping
  • Infer-red
  • Use

Make sure you invest in a brand that is beneficial and practical. As a new mom, realistically you will be constantly moving. So a postnatal belly band that fits well and that you can freely move around in is ideal. If you are looking for an ideal gift for a new mommy this holiday season, look into the Mamaway postnatal belly band. The person will greatly benefit during the postnatal recovery period and cherish it forever. Because the Mamaway postnatal belly band can use it even after the postnatal period!

Double Strap vs. Single Strap Postnatal Belly Band

Getting back in shape post pregnancy is among the biggest challenges and most important matter for new moms. Not just getting back in shape, you also do not want belly fat sagging, and this can be tough. If you are a new mom you desperately want your abdominal muscles to go back to their tight former self. These muscles however, have no idea where they should go and need a support mechanism. How can you provide your muscles the support they need? Just three words: postnatal belly bands. Even with postnatal belly bands there are variations, let’s discuss double strap and single strap postnatal belly band.

There are a variety of belly bands in the market with a variety of different features. As a shopper you are perpetually confused. We have tried to make your life easier. You may find this helpful if you are confused which to choose between a double strap and single-strap postnatal belly band.

First let’s take a look at what single strapped postnatal belly bands have to offer.

  • Support: As mentioned earlier, support is the key feature of any postnatal belly band to help you in getting back to shape. Single strapped postnatal belly bands support your weak abdominal muscles and make them tighter and stronger. They also support your back and help you with your posture.
  • Recovery: The pressure caused by compression of your muscles while using a single strapped postnatal belly band increases your blood circulation and helps your body heal faster. The firmness of the postnatal belly band also helps make your uterus contractions bearable.
  • Flexibility: Since you will use your postnatal belly band for extended periods of time, flexibility is a must. It helps you to feel comfortable and allows you to move naturally. As a result you can wear your belly band whenever you want. With some postnatal belly bands you can even wear it while sleeping.
  • Reduces aches and pains: Constantly picking your baby up, puts a lot of pressure on your back. Especially a back that has sustained child birth and nine months of pregnancy. Using a postnatal belly band will reduce back pain.

A double strap postnatal belly band offers all of the above and a little extra!

  • Customization: Just as you are unique, your requirements are unique too. A double strap belly band will help you to provide extra support and required reinforcement to the areas that need the most attention. You can give your body the extra care it needs during postpartum recovery.

Although, a double strap postnatal belly band might feel like a little bulkier investment in comparison to a single strap postnatal belly band, the additional feature is definitely worth it. There are lots of brands out there but be sure you make an informed investment. Get a product that will provide you the required support in the right areas.

Reduce your waistline comfortably, with a double-strap belly band!

Getting your shape back with a Postnatal Belly Band

A baby is a born. But the pregnancy process is a strenuous for moms. There will course a lot of body changes during pregnancy.Post pregnancy a little bit of effort is required to get back to your pre-pregnancy body. Most often all the attention shifts to the newborn and the mom just forgets about herself in the excitement of a new baby in the house. However, getting back in shape is equally important. And getting back in shape with a postnatal belly band is an achievable task.

A newborn changes your lifestyle and your body. With all your time and energy devoted in looking after your baby, hitting the gym is next to impossible. You find yourself wishing to a get back to shape without really working for it. This is not an impossible task either. A postnatal belly band can help you get back in shape while you attend to your little bundle of joy.

Can getting back in shape after pregnancy be easy, effortless and less time consuming? Sounds too good to be true but yes, getting back in shape without investing time and effort is possible! All you need to do is get a good postnatal belly band and wear it regularly. Yes, wear it regularly and you can get back to your pre pregnancy body before you know it.

But how can something as simple as a belly band get u back in shape? Here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

Historically, clothes have been used as belly bands to wrap the abdominal area of new mothers in certain parts of the world since a very long time. However, the postnatal belly band available on the market today are more developed and have features to suit the need of new mother’s body. The main reasons why postnatal belly bands are effective are mentioned briefly below:

  • Support: During pregnancy your uterus grows to make room for your baby which makes the abdominal muscles stretch and the spinal cord bend. After delivery your uterus slowly shrinks back but your abdominal muscles get weak and flabby and your bent spinal cord gives your belly a bulgy look. A postnatal belly band helps to make your weak muscles tighter and stronger. It also supports your back and helps your spine to regain its previous form.
  • Compression: Postnatal belly bands compress your abdomen which helps your uterus while shrinking back to its original size, giving you a slim waistline faster. The abdominal skin knits together and tightens faster if it is compressed. It also increases the blood circulation inside the body which will help in speedy recovery. Postnatal belly bands with additional straps allow you to provide required support to the abdominal areas that require extra attention.

Postnatal belly bands help sculpt your body to back to its pre pregnancy shape, prolonged use can also make you slimmer than you were before pregnancy. Hurry and invest in a reliable postnatal belly band, and you’ll be wearing all your pre-pregnancy clothing soon. Look good, feel good and adopt a healthy lifestyle with the help of a postnatal belly band!

Benefits of Postnatal Belly Band with Strapping

Being a mother is one of the most amazing experiences in a woman’s life,it will change everything,and it is easily one of the toughest experiences too. The emotional as well as physical changes after your first pregnancy can wear you down. New mothers often feel insecure about their bodies and go through a lot of stress. While the joy of welcoming a new bundle of joy is irreplaceable a new mom needs to make sure she doesn’t overlook herself. Products like the postnatal belly band are designed to help new moms with recovery during the postnatal period. This article discusses the benefit of getting a postnatal belly band with strapping.

The good news is, cost-effective products like the postnatal belly bands help you to recover faster and get back to your pre-pregnancy body without hitting the gym. With the appropriate kind of postnatal belly band, you’ll get your figure back with ease. So spend a little time researching what works and what doesn’t. Then make a decision to take care of yourself, that’s right new mommies. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby.

A good postnatal belly band is more than a regular belly band. It comes with additional straps to your core areas and the tightness can be customized according to your needs.

Why should you opt for a postnatal belly band with additional straps?

  • Immediate waistline: Postnatal belly bands with additional straps use triple compression techniques which is very effective and comfortable. Additional compression belts compress the abdominal region giving you an immediate waistline.
  • Support: Support is very important to get you back in shape after delivery. A strapped postnatal belly band helps the curved spine to get back to normal and reduces back pain. Holding your baby often, puts a lot of pressure to your lower back, with additional straps you can also give extra support and ease the pain.
  • Customization: Postnatal belly bands with additional belts help you modify the band according to your requirements. Whether it is over your pelvis or around your abdomen, it helps you target areas where support and compression is most needed.
  • Recovery: Pressure generated by these strapped postnatal belly bands help increase blood circulation which contributes towards speedy recovery. Compression belts tighten around your abdomen and help to make uterus contractions tolerable.
  • Self-esteem Boost: After pregnancy and delivery a woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes. The sudden change in your body can affect you deeply and lower your self-esteem. Hurry and get a belly band to get back to your pre-pregnancy body and get back in shape and feel good about yourself.

A good postnatal belly band is not just a belly band, it is your step towards a speedy and less painful recovery. It is just what you need after delivery to feel good about yourself and move forward with healthier post pregnancy choices. Oh and there is a bonus, you can use a good strapped postnatal belly band even beyond your postnatal period. That’s not all even daddies can use a good strapped postnatal belly band to loose belly fat. Be ready to leave all traces of your belly fat behind!